Rescued by a Dog
Rescued by a Dog brings you stories told by dog owners about the pups who ACTUALLY saved their lives. If you need to find some goodness in the world, you’ll find it here. ...Produced and hosted by Laura Thomas, animal welfare professional and author of the novel Not Just a Dog.
Did a dog save your life? Email Laura at rescuedbyadogpodcast@gmail.com !
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Podcasting since 2022 • 109 episodes
Rescued by a Dog
Latest Episodes
From the Vault: When Emiko suffers a stroke after losing her child in a custody battle, pup Victoria reminds her that she's an amazing mother
After a brutal and unfair custody battle, Emiko suffered a serious stroke that left her unable to even travel to visit her child. Emotionally broken, she adopted Victoria - a mangy, diseased shelter dog with behavior issues. Like Emiko, Victori...

From the Vault: When Rebecca stops breathing, pup Ulysses figures out how to get help
When Rebecca stops breathing for two full minutes, pup Ulysses tries repeatedly to rouse her. When that doesn't work, he knows it's up to him to figure out how to get help fast.

From the vault: When a family home catches fire, rescue pup saves TWELVE lives!
When Angela's family home catches fire with nine children asleep inside, rescue pup Capone knows what to do to make sure everyone gets out alive.

From the Vault: After a major surgery, pup Sami tells Cheryl that something has gone terribly wrong
After a major surgery on her leg, Cheryl is feeling fine, but pup Sami tells her mommy that she needs to get back to the hospital STAT.

From the vault: Pup Marley finds a way to tell Julie to go to the doctor IMMEDIATELY
When Julie's pup Marley starts acting strange, refusing to leave her side, she takes him to the veterinarian - and Marley gets a clean bill of health. So she goes to the doctor to get some blood work done on herself. And that trip to the doctor...