Rescued by a Dog
Rescued by a Dog brings you stories told by dog owners about the pups who ACTUALLY saved their lives. If you need to find some goodness in the world, you’ll find it here. ...Produced and hosted by Laura Thomas, animal welfare professional and author of the novel Not Just a Dog.
Did a dog save your life? Email Laura at rescuedbyadogpodcast@gmail.com !
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109 episodes
From the Vault: When Emiko suffers a stroke after losing her child in a custody battle, pup Victoria reminds her that she's an amazing mother
After a brutal and unfair custody battle, Emiko suffered a serious stroke that left her unable to even travel to visit her child. Emotionally broken, she adopted Victoria - a mangy, diseased shelter dog with behavior issues. Like Emiko, Victori...

From the Vault: When Rebecca stops breathing, pup Ulysses figures out how to get help
When Rebecca stops breathing for two full minutes, pup Ulysses tries repeatedly to rouse her. When that doesn't work, he knows it's up to him to figure out how to get help fast.

From the vault: When a family home catches fire, rescue pup saves TWELVE lives!
When Angela's family home catches fire with nine children asleep inside, rescue pup Capone knows what to do to make sure everyone gets out alive.

From the Vault: After a major surgery, pup Sami tells Cheryl that something has gone terribly wrong
After a major surgery on her leg, Cheryl is feeling fine, but pup Sami tells her mommy that she needs to get back to the hospital STAT.

From the vault: Pup Marley finds a way to tell Julie to go to the doctor IMMEDIATELY
When Julie's pup Marley starts acting strange, refusing to leave her side, she takes him to the veterinarian - and Marley gets a clean bill of health. So she goes to the doctor to get some blood work done on herself. And that trip to the doctor...

From the Vault: When Jonathan passes out during a snowstorm, pup Evelyn keeps him alive
When a series of tragedies leaves Jonathan homeless, he and his beloved pup Evelyn spend three winter months sleeping in his tiny car, using the engine to keep themselves warm. One particularly cold night, the engine breaks down, leaving them w...

From the Vault: Pup Zeda saves her mama Ashley from an abusive relationship
When Ashley finds herself stuck in an abusive relationship, only the intervention of her pup Zeda could make her walk away.

From the Vault: When Danelle falls off a cliff, Taz won't leave her side. Until she tells him to.
Danelle, a professional endurance athlete, was out for a run when she fell off a cliff, plummeting 60 feet to the ground and shattering her pelvis. Unable to drag herself out of the canyon, her pup Taz refused to leave her side. Until she told ...

From the Vault: When a home goes up in flames, only pup Blue can save infant Chantal
When Janet's house goes up in flames, the babysitter gets one child to safety, while the family's pitbull Blue stays behind in the collapsing, smoke-filled house with the youngest daughter. Can Blue save the child's life?

From the Vault: When Michael's car crashes into a ravine, he asks his puppy Honey to find help
When Michael's car crashes 50 feet into a ravine, his legs are pinned and he can't move. The only has for survival is his six-month-old puppy Honey.

From the Vault: Two Stories: Pitbull Sadie Saves Unhoused Papa; Homer & Trixie Teach Marlene Compassion For Herself
This episode brings us two heartwarming stories. First: When Wendell suddenly finds him unhoused and living in his van, his pup Sadie attracts blessing after blessing. Then: After a series of devastating losses, Marlene had lost control of her...

From the Vault: When doctors told Zach Skow that his time was up, pup Marley wouldn't let him die
Before Zach Skow devoted himself to his dog rescue organization, Marley's Mutts, he was a committed alcoholic with a rapidly-dying liver, and all the doctors gave him 90 days to live. But Zach's dog Marley refused to accept this diagnosis. ...

From the Vault: When Claire faces a grizzly bear, pup Bronwyn comes to the rescue
On a hike in Alaska, Claire and her teenage daughter encounter a mama grizzly and her cub. When the mama grizzly rears up on her hind legs, pup Bronwyn puts herself between her humans and the bear.

Pup Kobe Has to Get Mom Chanell's Attention... Before the House Explodes
When Kobe digs the same hole over and over in the backyard, Chanell just keeps filling it back in. Until she realizes that Kobe is trying to send her a desperate warning...

When teenager Sam becomes homeless, pup Mordex won't leave his side
When teenager Sam becomes homeless, pup Mordex won't leave his side... and guides him toward help.

When Daisy suffers workplace abuse and discrimination, pups Nico and Bella save her soul
When Daisy suffers workplace abuse and discrimination, pups Nico and Bella save her soul

Pup Luna tells her dad when he's hallucinating
Kody lives a comfortable life with schizophrenia thanks to his pup Lucy, who's always able to tell him when he's hallucinating.

When Kara's addiction lands her in jail, pup Athena leads her to a better life
In the midst of an abusive relationship, Kara's addiction landed herself in jail. Only her pup Athena could show her the way to a better life.

When Joe's face is burned off in a car accident, pup Buster doesn't treat him differently
At only 20 years old, 80% of Joe's body was burned in a serious car accident, and his face was permanently disfigured. At the time, his friends didn't show up for him, but his dog Buster didn't treat him any differently.

When a mama bear confronts Bailey, pup Zeus knows exactly what to do.
When a mama bear with two cubs confronts Bailey outside her woodsy home, her pup Zeus springs into action.

When a cabbie drops Roland (who's blind) at the wrong place, pup Dodger guides him home
In this heartwarming episode, we'll meet Roland, a blind Canadian whose best friend is his guide dog Dodger. When a cabbie drops Roland and Dodger in the wrong neighborhood, in the rain, Dodger calmly guides them home.

When Ruth's son is struggling, disabled pup Sammy shows the way forward
When Ruth's son is struggling, and her new dog Sammy suddenly becomes paralyzed, Sammy shows everyone how to persevere.

From the Vault: When Jonathan passes out during a snowstorm, pup Evelyn keeps him alive
When a series of tragedies leaves Jonathan homeless, he and his beloved pup Evelyn spend three winter months sleeping in his tiny car, using the engine to keep themselves warm. One particularly cold night, the engine breaks down, leaving them w...